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Dwell Amongst 

For my self directed brief I used my artistic license to create and curate a collection which portrays a narrative of my choice. After researching for motifs, colour, mood, the story I have chosen to present an interior collection based on the Japanese word Kazari which translates to decoration and display includes the themes of fantasy and the mythical happenings that occur on extraordinary days. The interior collection  incorporates the magical fluidness of natural design, encouraging the spaces we ‘dwell in’ to become a place for humans to recognise the eccentric happenings which have hidden behind the mundane. My inspiration for motifs for this theme has been derived from the collections of 17th and 18th century Japanese and Chinese porcelain collections within the Glynn Vivian, Swansea. To further drive the theme, I have included research elements from studies at Plantasia, Swansea Museum as well as pictures and items from antique shops around Swansea. 

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